Woman attacked by group of men on Sheffield Streets
A British Pakistani woman had eggs thrown at her and verbally assaulted by a group of men yesterday walking down Chesterfield Road.
The attack took place at 2.15pm near the junction near
Broadfield Road at the bottom of Heeley.
Ali Shehla, 23, was walking with her headphones in when an
egg was thrown out of an orange Skoda with a group of men inside.
The car then stopped, and a man got out and started
shouting abuse at her. He then returned to the car which drove off towards
Ponsford furniture shop.
Miss Shehla reported the incident to the police and
tweeted about her experience to spread awareness of street harassment.
She said: “I was shocked at what happened but not
“When it comes to women of colour, most of the incidents
towards are not really reported on.
“There is a lack of representation… I just want to be taken
seriously and for no one else to have this happen to them.”
Miss Shehla wants the police to find the men who attacked
“They need to be held accountable. It’s not enough to wait
for it to happen to someone else.”
“I see these vigils happening and although they are
important for raising awareness, I’d like to see practical steps taken.”
The attack occurred in broad daylight and it has made Miss
Shehla hesitant about going out alone.
“I have to make others aware and to be extra vigilant then
that’s what I will do, but It’s not really enough knowing people like that are
still out there and think they can get away with it.”
The South Yorkshire Police are still searching for the perpetrators;
however, they are not treating the attack as a hate crime.
Gemma Bartholomew - Kenyon, communications officer of South
Yorkshire police said: “Enquiries are continuing but at this stage we do not
believe it to be racially motivated.
“We are
keen to hear from anybody who may have witnessed the incident or have
information that could help the investigation to contact the police.”
If anyone
has more information which would help to identify the attackers, please call
101 quoting crime reference number 14/43435/21.
Written for ShefLive